Signs You Are Interviewing The Wrong Bankruptcy Attorney

If you are having financial troubles, bankruptcy is one of the legal options that can offer you relief. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help you eliminate debt, and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you have your debts re-arranged in a way that makes it easier for you to make payments. If you are struggling financially and are considering bankruptcy, it is in your best interest to retain a bankruptcy attorney. You might think that not hiring an attorney will help you save money, but the truth is that failing to hire a bankruptcy attorney could end up costing you more in the end. Also, choosing the wrong bankruptcy attorney could make matters worse for you. Therefore, it is vital to ensure you pick the right bankruptcy attorney.
But how do you know you are interviewing the right or wrong bankruptcy attorney? This article discusses some signs that you are interviewing the wrong bankruptcy attorney.
Signs You Are Interviewing the Wrong Bankruptcy Attorney
When you attend your first meeting with a bankruptcy attorney, the attorney will interview you about your case. You need to also interview the attorney to determine if they are right for you. When interviewing a bankruptcy attorney, there are several things you need to look out for that could indicate they are not the right for you. The following are some signs you are interviewing the wrong bankruptcy attorney.
When meeting with a bankruptcy attorney, they should give you their full attention because that is your time with them. If an attorney is, for example, constantly picking up other phone calls when you are interviewing them, it might be a sign that you are interviewing the wrong attorney. You might excuse an attorney for picking up one phone call, but it might be a red flag if they pick up the phone several times during your meeting with them.
Speaking in an Unfamiliar Language
To understand what an attorney is saying, the attorney needs to minimize using legalese or avoid it altogether unless you are an attorney yourself. You cannot make the right decision about your bankruptcy case if you do not understand what an attorney is saying. If an attorney cannot seem to explain things to you in a language you understand, even after you ask them to do so, it may be a sign of condescension.
If it is your first time filing bankruptcy, you likely have a million and one questions. The right bankruptcy attorney is the one that does not rush you through your questions or brush off your questions as if you are wasting their time. If an attorney is unwilling to give you the time you deserve to get through the meeting, it may be a good idea to look elsewhere.
Though no attorney will have ready answers to all your questions, an attorney should be familiar with bankruptcy laws and the bankruptcy process. If a bankruptcy attorney cannot give you even a single straight, confident answer, they are most likely not a right fit.
Federal Bankruptcy laws are vastly complicated and it is not an area where an attorney should dabble in. You want to make sure that the Attorney has regularly engaged in the bankruptcy practice. Moreover, you should ask the attorney if he or she has handled any bankruptcy court litigation., which should include handling contested hearings and adversary proceedings (complaint litigation within a bankruptcy case).
Contact a Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Attorney Today
If you are having financial problems and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact a Lehighton & Carbon County bankruptcy attorney at Adam R. Weaver, Esq. to schedule a consultation and discuss your case.